August is Wellness Month

August is wellness month! This is a great opportunity for us to take a step in promoting wellness in ourselves and others. Prioritizing wellness of our minds, bodies, and souls is incredibly important. Unfortunately, we don’t always make health and wellness a priority because life gets in the way. Let’s use August as an opportunity to recharge and recenter ourselves. Here are some resources and tips. You can learn more at

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It's Time To Practice Self-Care: A Blog Post for Health Professionals

As a health professionals, we spend a lot of time caring for others. This challenging work builds us up and is incredibly rewarding. It’s also hard. Listening to and treating others’ issues, can take a toll on us. We are all susceptible to vicarious trauma and let’s be honest, we are witnessing and working with more trauma than we have before. Sometimes it is hard to slow down and look at the ways being a helping professionals effects us. We are often so focused on helping others, that we neglect to take care of ourselves. COVID-19 has certainly made this more challenging. Now is the time to start ramping up our self-care practices. Click on the link below, to find a list of suggestions to prioritize self-care. You can also check out this article from the American Psychological Association to learn more about the importance of practicing self care during this challenging time.

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Mental Health Crisis

As Covid-19 persists, protests and riots break out, and the economy worsens, we can expect mental health issues to worsen. We are already seeing a large increase in hopelessness, anxiety, addiction, and suicidal ideation. Our communities are in need of support and will continue to be for a long time.

The American Psychological Association conducts a yearly survey and report on the stress level of the country. This year’s report, Stress in America 2020: Stress in the Time of Covid-19, has found a significant increase in stress and anxiety across the country. The survey was conducted at the beginning of May 2020 and offers informative data on the state of our country. It comes as no surprise that the data highlights economy, employment, government response to the pandemic, illness, access to health care, isolation, and abrupt change as triggers of stress during this time. The impact of stress on our communities is profound and will likely impact us for years to come. Click on the “read more” link below to access the APA study as well as various news articles on the current state of mental health in America.

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Psychodermatology of Vitiligo: Psychological Impact and Consequences

80% of dermatology patients experience mental health issues. Skin disorders can lead to body image issues, low self-esteem, and feelings of insecurity. There is a high need for taking an interdisciplinary approach to treating people experiencing both dermatological and psychological issues. Vitiligo is a skin condition that has high comorbidity with psychological issues. This article highlights the psychological impact of vitiligo.

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